• Featured,  Stake Presidency

    Update on Resuming Meetings

    Members of the Parleys Stake, It has been nearly one month since we shared our decision with you that, except for the Parleys Single Adult Ward, we would not be setting a date to resume our ward meetings.  Instead, we promised that, together with Stake and Ward leaders, we would monitor COVID-19 information to determine when we believe it is reasonable to resume.  During that same time, we all have had an opportunity as part of Come Follow Me to study Alma’s words in which he reminds us that there is power in assembling together and gathering ourselves often to join in fasting and mighty prayer.  While we are anxious…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are well and safe at home. One of the most challenging conditions of our current state of isolation is not being able to gather together often as a ward family. We are all missing the teaching, support and socializing we used to receive from our dear brothers and sisters. Certainly the casual greetings that we have with each other in the neighborhood are valuable to us all, but our normal Sunday and weekday associations can not be replaced. We very much look forward to the day that we are able to gather together again; that will be quite a memorable reunion for…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Ward Family, Happy Father’s Day to all! We hope this email finds you safe and healthy. A big congratulations to Nicole Behrmann and family for the birth of their new baby girl Olive. Mother and baby are home and doing well. As you know, we have four missionaries serving from our ward: Elder Jacob Jepsen, temporarily assigned to North Carolina, Sister Emma Romney serving in Germany, Sister Libby Dallimore serving in Vancouver, Washington, and Elder Max Okland serving in Arkansas. We are pleased to share with you some brief testimonies from each of them. Thank you for your prayers and faith in their behalf. We know the Lord trusts…

  • Featured,  Stake Presidency

    Stake Presidency Message – Being One in Christ

    Additional Resources Healing the Wounds of Racism Official Declaration 2 Race and the Priesthood Slavery and Abolition Elijah Able Be One – A Celebration of the Revelation on the Priesthood | Latter–day Saints Channel Black Heroes in Latter-day Saint History: The Latest in Museum Lecture Series – Church News and Events Jane Elizabeth Manning James LDS Genesis Group Priesthood for Mormon Men of Every Race Race and the Church: All Are Alike Unto God Significant Documents from Black Latter-day Saint History Witnessing the Faithfulness (Revelations in Context)

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are well and continue to find peace in the Savior’s atonement and plan for happiness in a world that seemingly becomes more complicated with each new day. Be assured, the Lord is aware of us and the challenges we face. He stands ready with open arms to embrace us. Imagine if the world’s population could only recognize that we are all children of the same Heavenly Parents, and are thereby, all brothers and sisters, would we be more motivated to treat each other as family? Because we are Heavenly Father’s children, we ALL have a divine destiny. God loves us with Godly…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, We congratulate our neighborhood seniors for their graduation! Tomorrow at 1pm we will have convert baptism. Due to Covid-19 there is a limit of 20 people permitted to attend in person. We have been authorized to allow members of our ward and investigators to participate via Zoom Conference. If you desire, at the bottom of this email you can see a link and instructions for how to participate. Gabriella is from Brazil and has attended our ward a number of times in the past. She has a very strong testimony now of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Restoration, The Book of Mormon, and the Plan…