Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We look forward to our church services tomorrow starting at 9am. We will be pleased to hear from Hada and Josue’ Hinojosa. For those of you who wish to join us virtually, you can view sacrament meeting at this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaMYsuWCIpw We testify to you that the existence of God is reality and that there is a Plan of Redemption for all. “Jesus Christ is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path the leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.” We love you and pray for you daily, The Bishopric —Announcements— -General Conference…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our sacrament meeting will begin tomorrow at 9am. We look forward to worshipping with you. Those attending virtually may use the following LINK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQtG9FFqcg Zion’s Camp was a difficult and soul-stretching experience. Many viewed it as a failure with respect to its revealed mission. But many of the “faithful members of Zion’s Camp…testified that the experience deepened their faith in God’s power…Rather than questioning the value of this seemingly unsuccessful task, they learned that the real task is to follow the Savior, even when we don’t understand everything.” As we go through our own difficult and stretching circumstance or challenge, may we do so filled with…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We hope that everyone is enjoying a long holiday weekend. Tomorrow will be our Fast and Testimony Meeting. If you wish to participate online you can watch by clicking this link https://youtu.be/9Gcn1MDrjJ4 Announcements: We want to express appreciation to our youth for putting up the flags and beautifying our neighborhood on Monday for Labor Day and on 9/11. On Wednesday, 9/8 at 7 pm sharp, all of the youth will meet at the church to carpool up to Millcreek Canyon where we will have our Book Of Mormon Finale to finish our summer reading challenge. We are excited to have everyone come whether they finished or…