Bishopric message
Dear Friends, In Moroni 10:3-5 we are divinely encouraged to receive our own witness that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. This unique appeal sets a standard for how the sons and daughters of God may receive confirmations of ANY eternal truth. We draw your attention to verse three, where we are taught to search for and feel gratitude as part of the revelatory process. “…that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been from the creation of Adam, even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.” The prophet Moroni is teaching us how to prepare our…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We want to thank all those that came last night to the neighborhood fair and all those that donated countless hours of your time preparing and creating a wonderful evening for us all to enjoy. This Sunday we will be fortunate to hear from Elder Sam Munns in our sacrament meeting, we look forward to worshiping with you. Love,P3 Bishopric Announcements: Sacrament meeting will begin Sunday morning at 9 am. A virtual option is provided by clicking here. YSA Gather Together conference and devotional is tomorrow August 19 and 20. Click here for details. https://www.utahysaconference.org Stake Conference is Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10. Stay tuned for…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We are promised in scripture that the Father will send His Spirit into our lives, into our spaces, into our hearts to bear witness of truth and to comfort His children. The ability to recognize the workings of the Holy Ghost in our lives is certainly a skill to be developed over a lifetime. As we seek for divine expressions, we are promised to find them. For each of us to be successful in this endeavor, we must persevere…living good lives, searching the scriptures, repenting often, and serving others. As we make and keep covenants with God, our ability to recognize Him and His hand in our lives…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, The temple, our chapel’s steeple, the mountains, the scriptures, modern prophets and apostles. All of these are pointing, reaching, inspiring, and leading us to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The plan of salvation, founded on Christ and his divine mission, provides spiritual knowledge and power to combat the challenges of our fallen and modern world. Let us point our lives towards Him, reach out and partake of His goodness and love, lead and inspire with every thought, word, and deed. May we be valiant in our testimonies of Jesus Christ. With love, Parley’s 3rd Ward Bishopric Announcements: Sacrament meeting will begin Sunday morning at 9 am.…