3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Good afternoon Parley’ 3rd Ward,

We hope you enjoyed Mother’s Day last weekend. We are blessed to be surrounded by such loving and compassionate women. And, we are fortunate to have impressive graduating high school seniors that represented themselves and their mothers so well in their sacrament meeting addresses.

The Gospel Living App message of the week – Patterns of Light – Elder David A. Bednar
“Sometimes God’s message is like a bright light in a dark room. Other times it’s more like a gradual sunrise. Sometimes receiving inspiration is like a foggy day… You can see just enough to take a few steps ahead into the cloudiness. I don’t know about other people, but it occurs that way for me all the time. There’s enough to just take a few steps, and then the light continues to help me see just far enough ahead that I can continue to press forward. What does it feel like when God speaks to your mind and heart?”

We are grateful to be able to meet together for weekly sacrament meetings without having attendance restrictions. Tomorrow we will be pleased to hear from Julie & Gordon Poulson as well as Trevor Larson, our assigned Stake High Councilman. Thanks to each of them for their preparation and willingness to share their thoughts with us. Please click here to view the sacrament meeting via live streaming.


We have been encouraged to hold our sacrament meeting and our 2nd hour meetings each week within a 9:00am-11:00am time block. Therefore, we will no longer be able to have the youth and adult class time frames one after the other. Beginning tomorrow, all 2nd hour classes and quorum meetings will take place from 10:15am-11:00am. We recognize that this will require our instructors to modify their virtual class meeting invites for tomorrow and beyond. We also acknowledge that it may be difficult to join the virtual adult classes on time at 10:15am after having attended our in-person sacrament meeting concluding at 10:00am. For the time being, we will just have to do the best we can and understand when people login to the virtual meetings a little late. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and patience as we continue to make modifications as part of working toward a full return to church.

Updated Sunday Meeting Schedule:

1st /3rd Sundays:

9:00am-10:00am Sacrament Meeting (9:45am-10:00am administration of the sacrament in-person or in-home)

10:15am-11:00am Sunday School Classes (Youth in-person, adults virtual)

2nd/4th Sundays:

9:00am-10:00am Sacrament Meeting (9:45am-10:00am administration of the sacrament in-person or in-home)

10:15am-11:00am Relief Society, Elder’s Quorum, Young Women’s Classes and Young Men’s Quorums (Youth in-person, adults virtual)

5th Sunday – May 30th

9:00am-10:00am Sacrament Meeting (9:45am-10:00am administration of the sacrament in-person or in-home)

10:15am-11:00am Combined meeting for all youth and adults, likely to be a 100% virtual meeting. We will hear from some our Parley’s 3rd Ward full-time missionaries serving around the world.

The Primary is not meeting in-person this coming week. We are targeting the first week of June to resume in-person Primary classes.

Please see the notes below from President Andrew Sipherd regarding the Adult Sunday School Class rotation:

Adult Sunday School – rotation of classes, with different teachers, starting tomorrow

As we have done after a 4-month period of time, starting tomorrow, we will have each Adult Sunday School class stay the same, but their teachers will change.

The following classes will change to the following teachers:

  1. Lucy and Justin Hawes will now be teaching members living on:

Maywood, Kaywood, Country Club, 2300 East and 2500 East.

  1. Denice Long and Joan Reynolds will now be teaching members living on:

Lynwood and Bernadine

  1. Robin and Bill Larson will now be teaching members living on:

Stringham, Wyoming, King Texas, Wilmington Circle, Brentwood Circle, and Parley’s Way.

These teachers should have most if not all of your email addresses, and will be sending out a link to their class before your class begins tomorrow.

If for some reason, you do not receive an email invite to an adult Sunday School class, before church starts tomorrow, please reach out to Andrew Sipherd at 801-597-1731 and he will ensure you get an invite to your class.

Our Stake Conference will take place in 3 weeks, June 5-6. The following meetings will be held: Adult Session (Saturday evening) – Leadership Meeting (Sunday morning) – General Session (Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm). Additional times and details are forthcoming. We expect that these meetings will be held virtually).

We again wish to express our appreciation to each of you for your patience over the last year as we continue to work toward the best and safest way to gather and worship together.

We love you,

Parleys 3rd Ward Bishopric