Stake Presidency

Parleys Stake Update COVID-19

We love and are grateful for you. We have seen and heard of so many acts of Christian service between one another and toward our neighbors during these challenging times. May the Lord continue to bless and sustain us in these efforts. 
As you may have heard, Governor Herbert has called for a special weekend of prayer and service this weekend, March 20-22. Our Area Presidency supports this effort. We invite all of us to unite together this weekend in service to one another and in prayer for guidance, faith, comfort and peace. We are mindful that “Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive.” Doctrine & Covenants 29:6.
We also wanted to convey a few updates:

  • Sacrament: We look forward to partaking of the Sacrament as outlined in communications from our Bishops. If you have need of someone bringing the Sacrament to your home and those arrangements have not yet been made, please contact your ministering brother. 
  • Coordination: For the foreseeable future, we will be having weekly update calls with our Bishops and Stake Sister Leaders to ensure we are coordinating our efforts to worship the Savior and follow His example during these unusual times. 
  • Follow Guidelines on COVID-19: Please continue to follow the recommendations of local, state and national leaders regarding COVID-19. In particular, we remind parents that children and young people should also be following the guidelines and not congregating in large or even small groups, not going in and out of several homes, and otherwise avoiding activities that can spread the virus. 
  • Church Building Use: Please remember that while church meetings are suspended, we are suspending use of our church buildings, unless such use is approved by your Bishop. 

May we all continue in patience and faith and look for opportunities to follow the example of the Savior, and “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35

The Parleys Stake Presidency, 

Matthew T. Wirthlin 

Samuel C. Straight 

Timothy K. Conde