Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
We look forward to meeting with you tomorrow in fasting and edifying each other through our testimonies of the Savior, for the virtual option please click here.
As we read about how the Israelites were “all in” after witnessing the many miracles that lead to their freedom from captivity. Then to see how quickly they looked for another path with the absence of the Lord’s Holy prophet to guide them. Reminds us of how blessed we are today to be able to have constant communication from the Lord through His holy prophet Russel M. Nelson and to know the Lord’s will and to help us through the trials of our times.
We love, hope, and pray for you continually.
P3 Bishopric
The last speaker of the Stake Relief Society-sponsored lecture series, Sharon Eubank is on May 3rd. See attached flyer for details.
May 15th the young single adults that are living at home, home from school and graduating high school seniors are invited to a BBQ social with Nate Orchard as he shares his story in overcoming adversity. See attached flyer for details.
We have the opportunity to work in the Cannery. Please contact Andy Smith or sign up at the links below:
June 13th, Monday 10:30am to 2:00pm Need 3 people Welfare Square – Cannery Assignment. Sign-up Link: