1st Ward,  Wards

COVID19 Update – 03/21

Thank you so much for your care and concern for one another.  It was truly inspiring to hear the ministering reports from our Elders Quorum and Relief Society leaders today in our virtual ward council! 

In an effort to continue to minister to you all during these uncertain times we will be sending out a weekly letter that will hopefully lift your spirits and help you feel of our Savior’s love for you.  We will also include any announcements or relevant new information we receive from our church leaders.  Here are a few items for this week:

  1. Sacrament – As you are aware, the stake elected not to offer the sacrament to members this week to allow some time to create a plan that will make it available to all members who wish to have it.  Starting next Sunday we will authorize all worthy priesthood holders to administer the sacrament in their homes to their families.  Families and individuals who do not have someone in their home who can do this should reach out to their ministering brothers for assistance.  While we are discouraging “groups” from getting together for this purpose, it may make sense to invite someone that you are ministering to, or a close family member, to come and participate with you in your home.
  2. Interviews and temple recommends – We will not be holding regular interviews for our youth or for temple recommends at this time.  Although the temples are closed, the bishopric will be available to renew temple recommends as needed and the bishop is available for interviews if needed.  Please reach out to Brian Randle to schedule.
  3. Classes and activities – We will not be holding in person classes or activities for our youth and primary children for the foreseeable future.  This extra time we all have at home is also an excellent opportunity to work on the new children and youth initiative with them. They have been given their pamphlets and materials, but there is also additional information available on the church website and the gospel library app. Faith and I are also using this framework to set our own goals.
  4. While children are home from school, this is probably not a good time to be having playdates and activities.  By now you have all heard the phrases “social distancing” and “flattening the curve”.  This Washington Times article shows some cool models about how critical this is to prevent the spread of illness so as not to overwhelm our health care system:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/

Here is another from a physician in Boston about children who are out of school:  https://medium.com/@ariadnelabs/social-distancing-this-is-not-a-snow-day-ac21d7fa78b4. Finally, if you are sick, please stay home and reach out to your primary care physician or call one of the many screening hotlines to determine whether you should be seen in person or not.  Here are some of the numbers:


844-501-6600 or toll-free at 800-456-7707

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801-587-0712 or Toll Free: 844-745-9325