Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Celebrating Pioneer Day this last week always leaves an impression of those that have gone before us, leaving us an example of how to sacrifice and follow the Savior in our lives. As we “turn our hearts to our fathers”, this Sunday we will focus our worship on the sweetness and power of the temple.
President Nelson taught “The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple. Everything taught in the temple, through instruction and through the Spirit, increases our understanding of Jesus Christ. His essential ordinances bind us to Him through sacred priesthood covenants.”
We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday.
P3 Bishopric
Sacrament meeting will begin Sunday morning at 9 am. A virtual option is provided by clicking here
For the second hour, the youth and adults will be combined in the chapel for a program organized by the McCulloughs on the sweetness and power of the temple. Please see the attached program.
For those that would like to attend virtually please click here
Ward temple night will be at Oquirrh Mountain temple: Saturday, July 29th, 5:00 pm Endowment session (there are only 21 seats left). Also available Saturday, July 29th all day initiatories starting at 7:30 am and ending at 8:30 pm. 6 males and 6 females needed every 30 minutes.
The first-ever Utah Area YSA Conference will be held in August 2023. The concert is this week. Please sign up. Details at
Save the date for the following upcoming ward activities:
Neighborhood walkabout: August 6th
Neighborhood summer party: August 17th
Service/welfare square opportunity
July 31st, Monday 10:30 am to 2:00 pm:
August is our month to clean the building, Please look for sign-ups in Elder’s Quorum and Relief Society or Contact Jan Haug (801-718-9977) or Jon Hale (801-230-5985).