3rd Ward

Bishopric message

In an October 2018 General Conference address, President Russel M. Nelson’s encouraged us to make an adjustment to our pattern of thinking that “church is something that happens in our meetinghouses”. He said “it is time for a home-centered Church, supported by what takes place inside our branch, ward, and stake buildings”. It hardly seems like a coincidence that 18 months later the COVID 19 pandemic has required us to put this into practice as we are unable to gather together in our meetinghouse. Fortunately, we have had time to prepare ourselves and our families for this period of uncertainty. We have the resources of “Come, Follow Me”, and the organization and responsibility of Ministering to help us attend to the needs of our ward members. 

As a bishopric, it is our hope that in this time of uncertainty, we can prove to each other and to the Lord that we are “all in”. Our commitment to each other and to our gospel learning and personal worship is a reflection of our love for Him. President Russell M. Nelson said, “To survive spiritually, we need counter strategies and proactive plans that will further fortify our members and their families.”

Doctrine and Covenants 88:119 reads, “Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.” We would like to offer three suggestions for your Sabbath Day worship in your own homes, beginning tomorrow. 

1.       Establish a time for your worship. 

2.       Create a sacred space. Find a room in your home that will be your “holy place”. Make room for scriptures, manuals, and materials so that you will be prepared to teach each other.

3.       Make a plan. Utilize “Come, Follow Me”, scriptures, and the Gospel Library/Gospel Living apps. Discuss the needs and concerns of your family and create strategies for making it a memorable time of bonding and togetherness.

Additional Reminders:

·        All Sunday meetings are suspended until further notice.

·        All Weekday & Sunday activities suspended until further notice, including YW and YM activities.

·        We are awaiting direction from our Stake Presidency regarding the administration of the ordinance of the Sacrament in members homes. It will not be made available this Sunday, but soon.


·        Ministering allows us collectively to take care of the entire ward and neighborhood population, so long as everyone does their part. Please reach out to those you are assigned to AND those of our friends and neighbors who are not of our faith. Let us remember that especially in times of crisis, “we are His hands”. Youth age 14 and older have a ministering assignment.

·        If you don’t know your Ministering assignments, please contact the Relief Society or Elder’s Quorum Presidencies. Contact information for them is below. 

Young Women, Young Men and Children

·        Please remind your youth to download and begin to engage in the Gospel Living App. Within the app, we have “Circles” which will keep our youth groups inspired and united. You will need your membership record number to get signed in. This can be found in the LDS Tools app under your family. If you have trouble reach out to your adult leaders for help.

·        Now is also a great time to review and help implement Children & Youth Goals with your kids. These goals can be added to the Gospel Living app under the “My Life” tab.

·        Keep memorizing the new Young Women and Young Men Themes. These can be found on the church website and could be printed for hanging in your family’s “holy place”. 

Brothers and Sisters, our beloved prophet President Russell M. Nelson has said, “Faith is the antidote for fear.” Let us continue to pursue our faith with all our hearts. 

With love,

The Parley’s 3rd Ward Bishopric

Ward Leadership Contacts:

Bishop – Brett Okland – 801-641-7812

1st Counselor – Jacob Munns – 801-953-1562

2nd Counselor – Matt Jepsen – 801-712-3061

Executive Secretary – Gordon Poulson – 801-599-2387

Ward Clerk – Ed Casson – 801-680-0624

Elders Quorum President – Tom Whitney – 801-746-9104

Relief Society President – Melissa Romney – 801-971-7075

Young Women President – Diane Creamer – 801-809-0111

Primary President – Marianne Larson – 801-557-3426

Ward Mission President – Brian Thomas – 801-699-2126

Sunday School President – Andrew Sipherd – 801-597-173