3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you are well and remain optimistic about the future. We are assured by a prophet of the Lord that the pandemic will pass and we will be able to enjoy the blessings that come from serving and worshiping together.

On August 26th we received an email entitled “Return to Church Message”. This email from our Stake Presidency outlines the plan for the Wards of our Stake to have opportunities to meet in small groups for sacrament meeting. Please refer to the Stake email for additional details. Our Ward is scheduled to have our first Sacrament Meetings in our chapel on September 13th. We have many details to work out in the next two weeks, please watch for emails with information.

This morning from 9:00am to 10:00am, we will be having an Optional Parents Meeting on Zoom. Below is the information needed to join the Zoom meeting. Parents of Primary age children, Young Women, Young Men and Young Single Adults are invited to participate. Children do not need to participate.

Today we are blessed to hear from Sister Joan Reynolds. Joan and Jim, have been long term members of the Parley’s 3rd Ward. Joan is a kind and smart person with a witty personality. She is a student of the Gospel. She is a great neighbor. Thanks Joan!

This week I had the blessing of attending the temple with a departing missionary and her family. Currently, access to our local temples is very limited. Only time sensitive ordinances for the living are being scheduled. As we continue to make progress mitigating the effects of COVID-19, one would expect that temple access will be improved speedily.

I personally enjoy being taught in the temple. Each temple is a house of learning. There we are taught the Master’s way. Teachings of the temple are beautiful and simple. I have missed the temple these last few months. This week in the temple I was reminded of the great truths found in the gospel and plan of salvation. I left the temple feeling strengthened and more aligned with his plan for me.

I like President Gordon B. Hinckley’s quote about our role in temple work for the deceased. He said, “Just as our Redeemer gave His life as a vicarious sacrifice for all men, and in so doing became our Savior, even so we, in a small measure, when we engage in proxy work in the temple, become as saviors to those on the other side”. This illustrates the importance of temple work in our lives. There are great blessings and responsibilities associated with temple work.

I anxiously await the day that we can resume our regular temple worship and enjoy the blessings that come from serving in the House of the Lord.

Thanks for your great examples of being disciples of Christ.


Bishop Okland

Optional Parent Zoom Meeting Invitation – Sunday Aug 30 9:00am-10:00am

Join Zoom Meeting


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