3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Good evening brothers and sisters,

We hope that you are healthy and safe.

We will be having an in-person sacrament meeting tomorrow (last names A-K + any that desire to come). As a reminder, members should not feel pressure to attend in-person.

Sister Kelly Lear and Brother Jon Lear will be our speakers. To participate via YouTube streaming click here.


A special thanks to Jordan Briggs for his assistance with technology and making streaming available to us each week.

President Russell M Nelson, will share a special 11 minute video message with the world on November 20, 2020, at 11:00 am MST. The video will focus on ways we can find hope and healing through Jesus Christ during this time of significant global fracture and instability. It will be published on President Nelson’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and on the Church’s main YouTube channel. The video will also be made available immediately afterward to watch on demand and to download on Newsroom.


and in the Church’s Gospel Library.

Tomorrow afternoon is our final tithing settlement day. If you have not yet signed up and have a desire to do so, click here.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Gordon Poulson or Ed Casson.

Note – COVID-19 Update from our leaders:

  • We are encouraged to remain safe, cautious, and wise.
  • All council meetings are to be done virtually.
  • Temple recommends and tithing settlement are to be remote for the time being.
  • At this time sacrament meetings are to continue with maximum attendance of 99 people.
  • We should support the governor’s mask mandate. Those attending meetings at the church building need to comply.
  • No in-person youth activities through at least 11/23.

    We appreciate the cooperation of those in the Parley’s 3rd Ward neighborhood as we continue to battle the pandemic. Let us hope and pray that our community will see positive result from the governor’s mandate and our own vigilance. There is reason for optimism regarding the timing and effectiveness of a vaccine.

If you are in need at this time, please reach out and let others serve you. We are surrounded by people that like to extend the love of our Heavenly Father and Savior to those in need.


The Bishopric