• Stake Center
    1st Ward,  3rd Ward,  4th Ward,  5th Ward,  6th Ward,  Featured,  PSA,  Stake Presidency

    Update Regarding COVID-19

    We cannot begin to express our feelings of gratitude when it comes to seeing more and more members return to our church buildings to worship Christ together in person.  We are grateful for the mindfulness you have displayed during the past year, whether it be mask wearing, social distancing, or following other guidelines and protocols we have been encouraged by our government and church leaders to follow.  We also express gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the remarkable miracle of the COVID-19 vaccination.  As the Church has formally written in its General Handbook, “Vaccinations administered by competent medical professionals protect health and preserve life.”  “Members of the Church are encouraged…

  • 1st Ward,  3rd Ward,  4th Ward,  5th Ward,  6th Ward,  Featured,  PSA,  Stake Presidency

    RootsTech Connect is Right around the Corner

    This year at RootsTech Connect, enjoy opportunities to discover family connections, learn from a variety of topics and teachers, and find inspiration for your whole family. We encourage you to invite members of your ward and their friends, especially youth and young adults, to participate in the fun and exciting experiences of RootsTech Connect February 25-27. https://www.rootstech.org/?lang=eng

  • Christmas,  Featured

    Parleys Stake Christmas Program

    Please join us on Sunday, December 13, 2020, at 4 pm for a special Christmas music program.  We live among so many talented musicians, many of whom have prepared beautiful pieces of Christmas music as a gift to you this holiday season.  We hope that you can gather in your home or wherever you may be to join us as we come together virtually to be uplifted by the power of music focused on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  You will listen to the harp, piano, violin, flute, voice, and other instruments as our musicians perform familiar pieces like “What Child Is This,” “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desire,”…

  • Christmas

    2020 Parleys Stake Christmas Program

    Please join us on Sunday, December 13, 2020, at 4 pm for a special Christmas music program.  We live among so many talented musicians, many of whom have prepared beautiful pieces of Christmas music as a gift to you this holiday season.  We hope that you can gather in your home or wherever you may be to join us as we come together virtually to be uplifted by the power of music focused on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  You will listen to the harp, piano, violin, flute, voice, and other instruments as our musicians perform familiar pieces like “What Child Is This,” “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desire,”…

  • 4th Ward

    Brother Wid Warner

    Never have we been more broken-hearted yet filled with joy at the same time as we say farewell to our dear precious husband, father, gramps, brother and friend. We are holding on to the image of the celebration in heaven as he was welcomed home with open, loving arms. After almost losing him many times over, it taught us not to take a single day for granted and filled our hearts with gratitude for every moment we had with him. His life was a gift! Wid was born June 2, 1954 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Homer Richards Warner & Katherine Ann Romney Warner. He was named after his…