• 5th Ward

    Bishopric Message – 03/22

    Bishopric Message To say that we live in a unique era is an understatement.  Our society is facing challenges not seen collectively for generations.  Through it all, we are learning how to communicate and connect with our families, with each other and with our Father in Heaven.   During a virtual Ward Council Meeting today (not your typical meeting format), our caring leaders suggested that we might do well to have more frequent communications.  To that end, you may see the newsletter come a little more frequently than monthly.  We hope this will provide you a respite from the unusual circumstances surrounding us.             Our message today comes from Rabbi Yosef…

  • 5th Ward

    Things to Do While Self-Quarantined

    Contribution by Sister Nancy Miles Ok. We are all concerned about getting too close to anyone, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Don’t know when we will see anyone or how long it will last. In the meantime, I am reading a lot of good books, cooking and trying new recipes, making a lot of bread, exercising, working on my upcoming cooking classes and new book, walking the dogs, housework, naps, movies, and of course and keeping up with everyone on all social media. Next week I will be doing virtual dinners with friends and family, by way of Skype. I will send an invitation, along with a recipe that we…

  • 5th Ward

    Be Careful – Scam Alert

    Please be aware that scam activity has increased as criminals try to take advantage of the coronavirus situation. Scammers are reaching out by phone, email, and in person. Scams are popping up in many forms from callers claiming you or someone you know has tested positive for having the virus, to false claims about products that prevent or treat the disease. Be wary of anyone asking for your personal information or payment. For more information and tips to protect yourself, check out the following links and other reputable resources:  https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/coronavirus-scams-what-ftc-doing https://www.justice.gov/usao-or/pr/us-attorney-shares-tips-avoiding-covid-19-scams-targetingvulnerable-populations

  • 5th Ward

    Provident Living – Emergency Preparedness

    Hello Parley’s 5th Ward Community. Welcome once again to the monthly emergency preparedness column. In this month’s column we will be discussing two concepts, the first is dealing with the emotional effects of isolation and the second is starting a container potato garden. The effects and impact of isolation and separation are real. But we need to remember at this time, that while we are practicing physical social separation we are not completely cut off from friends, family, neighbors, and ward members. Reaching out over text is fine, but a FaceTime or Duo video call can be much more engaging and therapeutic. If you are looking to connect with a…

  • 1st Ward,  Wards

    Bishop Wallis – Message

    What a time we are living in. I was comforted by the prophet’s message of hope that he shared yesterday. President Nelson stated: “Our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, know us, love us and are watching over us. Of that, we can be certain…these unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him. I see evidence of His hand in this holy work in so many ways. So, during these uncertain times, be comforted by this promise from the Savior, He said, “I the…

  • 1st Ward,  Wards

    COVID19 Update – 03/21

    Thank you so much for your care and concern for one another.  It was truly inspiring to hear the ministering reports from our Elders Quorum and Relief Society leaders today in our virtual ward council!  In an effort to continue to minister to you all during these uncertain times we will be sending out a weekly letter that will hopefully lift your spirits and help you feel of our Savior’s love for you.  We will also include any announcements or relevant new information we receive from our church leaders.  Here are a few items for this week: Sacrament – As you are aware, the stake elected not to offer the…

  • Stake Presidency

    Parleys Stake Update COVID-19

    We love and are grateful for you. We have seen and heard of so many acts of Christian service between one another and toward our neighbors during these challenging times. May the Lord continue to bless and sustain us in these efforts. As you may have heard, Governor Herbert has called for a special weekend of prayer and service this weekend, March 20-22. Our Area Presidency supports this effort. We invite all of us to unite together this weekend in service to one another and in prayer for guidance, faith, comfort and peace. We are mindful that “Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye…

  • Stake Presidency

    Parleys Stake Update: 3/15 Update COVID-19

    First and foremost, know we love and are praying for you and your families during this fluid and uncertain time. We testify that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will bless all His children around the world as we work to overcome this pandemic. Our beloved Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, is also mindful of and praying for us. Indeed, he distributed a global message yesterday reminding of us God’s love for us and conveying his optimism for the future.   Here is his message: Here is a previous message from President Nelson regarding hope during a challenging time:  We hope these words from our Prophet will bring you peace…

  • Stake Presidency

    COVID-19: Update #2 for the Parleys Stake

    As you may have heard already, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has suspended church services worldwide in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. This includes all public worship services (e.g., Sacrament Meetings, Sunday School, etc.) and all Stake and Ward activities. Here is the link to the Church’s statement: Gatherings of Church Members Temporarily Suspended Worldwide. May we all comply with the Brethren’s direction with exactness, as we will be blessed as we follow their counsel. If you have any questions as to what is allowed, please do not hesitate to contact your Bishop or any member of the Stake Presidency.    We echo today’s message from…