Message from Stake Presidency – 11/08/2020
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Sister Dusenberry
Salt Lake Parleys Stake Presidency Message
The Salt Lake Parleys Stake Presidency has prepared the following statement for your careful consideration: We feel the need to draw your attention to the teachings of Jesus when he taught: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9).[1] President Nelson reminds us that Latter-day Saints are in a “pivotal position to emerge as peacemakers.”[2] As “peaceable followers of Christ” (Moroni 7:3), our objective is to become a people who practice peace and reconciliation (See 2 Corinthian 5:18-21). Unfortunately, our current cultural and political climate is one of division and discord. In last week’s General Conference, President Oaks acknowledged: “We live in a time of…
Elder Okland
Elder Handy
Sister Hammond
President Wirthlin – Return to Church Message
Return to Church Message
Return to Church Message
Dear Parleys Stake Members, We cannot express enough how grateful we are as a Stake Presidency for the creative and Christlike ways you have served one another these past five months while we have not been worshipping together on Sundays. As you know, the First Presidency announced in late May that Stakes could begin holding sacrament meetings again at church buildings. Since then, we have met consistently and counseled together with our bishops and Stake sister leaders concerning the appropriate time to return to worshipping together on Sundays. Indeed, we worked together to develop a detailed plan for our Stake to safely hold sacrament meetings. We have tried to be…
Elder Baer
Elder Jeppson