3rd Ward

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Friends, We testify that Jesus and His gospel are at the center of all truth and that modern prophets point us in Christ’s direction. As we diligently heed their counsel, we will find Jesus and strength to follow God’s eternal truths. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at church. For those who need to join virtually, you can click here. Please remember to spring your clocks forward one hour. We love you and pray for you daily, The Bishopric Some Announcements: Ward temple nights (Jordan River) Saturday, March 18th at 6:30 pmSaturday, April 15th at 6:30 pm (associated with ward conference) General Conference is April 1-2 Next cannery…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers & Sisters, Twice in Mark ch4, the Savior invites his audience – if any have ears to hear, let them hear. President Nelson said, “In those two words – “Hear Him” – God gives us the pattern for success, happiness, and joy in this life. We are to hear the words of the Lord, hearken to them, and heed what He has told us! As we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be ever more intentional. It takes conscious and consistent effort to fill our daily lives with His words, His teachings, His truths.” We invite you to consider ways…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers & Sisters, Consider this quote from President Benson: “Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit and very often involves growth and change that is slow, almost imperceptible…But we must not lose hope. The Lord is pleased with every effort, even the tiny, daily ones in which we strive to be more like Him” As we pattern our lives after the Savior’s teaching and seek after Him we testify that the blessings of His gospel – even peace, joy, and hope will be abundant, perceptible, and meaningful in your life. Love, P3 Bishopric Announcements: Virtual sacrament meeting for 19 Feb 23 is available HERE Reminder of Stake conference next weekend…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brother and Sisters, This week in our studies, John recounted the first public miracle that Jesus performed, turning the water to wine. We testify that His same power and priesthood to perform miracles are still performed today in His name. Also, the miracles that He performs in our individual lives to guide and bless us. We encourage you to seek these miracles, notice them and give thanks to a loving Heavenly Father for sending them and His Son. We look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow at 9:00 am and hearing from our stake youth council. Love,P3 Bishopric Announcements: Virtual sacrament meeting is available click here Ward Temple night…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Friends, Please join us tomorrow at 9 AM for our fast meeting. If you would like to join us virtually, please click on this link. We testify to you that Jesus is our Savior. We also testify that by meaningfully fasting (with a purpose) we can draw on the power of heaven. See you We love you and pray for you every day! The Bishopric February 7th, Tuesday 1:30pm to 5:00pm. Need 3 people Applesauce Production Welfare Square – Cannery Assignment Sign-up Link: https://volunteersignup.org/L8AYM February is our month to clean the building. Jan Haug or Jon Hale may reach out to you.On the 25th and 26th we will be…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good morning all, A reminder of our ward temple night this evening (28 Jan). We will attend the 6 pm session at the Jordan River temple. We hope you can make it. Please join us for our sacrament services tomorrow at 9 am. To attend virtually click HERE. 5th Sunday second hour: Adults will be combined in the chapel. A link for this session is provided HERE. Details are provided below. Youth will be combined in the RS room. Patriarch Cannon will address patriarchal blessings and answer youth questions after which he will join our amazing panelists for a youth questions panel moderated by Bishop Munns. A reminder to youth…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brother and Sisters, As we read in the Gospel of John this week the testimonies of John the Baptist “Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world!” and Andrew and Simon Peter “We have found the Messias”. These words uttered almost two millennia ago, today are confirmed by the spirit that He lives and is the Savior of the world! We are so grateful for His Sacrifice and the path he left us to salvation. We look forward to worshipping with you tomorrow at 9:00 AM and welcoming home Sister Sarah Jane Romney from the Charlotte North Carolina Mission. Love,P3 Bishopric Announcements: Virtual sacrament…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Friends, As we remember the sacrifices of Dr. Martin Luther King and others who fought for the freedom and equality of all men and women from bias, racism, and injustice. We reiterate the words in the declaration of independence and those reiterated in Dr. King’s famous speech I Have a Dream “That all men and women are created equal”. While we celebrate the advances, we recognize the continual need to strive for equality and justice for all. We testify of our divine nature that each of us possess as daughters and sons of loving Heavenly Father. He sent His only begotten Son to make the ultimate sacrifice for all.…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers & Sisters, As we consider our 2023 goals and resolutions may we try and be more like Mary. She was told of a miracle that would happen to her and not surprisingly expressed some doubt that it could happen. Gabriel gave further details and concluded his visitation by saying “For with God nothing is impossible”. Consider Mary’s response – “Be it unto me according to thy word”. May we strive to be humble and submissive to God’s will for us. We testify of great blessings that will come to those who align their lives and actions and desires with God. Jesus Christ lives! As we come unto Him…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, We hope that everyone enjoyed this wonderful Christmas Season As we begin this new year and look towards setting new year’s resolutions we encourage you to ponder the feelings and prompting that you have felt as you set those goals that will enhance your relationship with the Savior. We are grateful for Him and for the love he offers each and every one of us. We testify that He Lives and of His desire to have an individual relationship with each of us. We look forward to Meeting with you at 9:00 AM for our fast and testimony meeting tomorrow. Love, P3 Bishopric Announcements: Our hearts…