5th Ward
Elder Seth Hatch
Elder Matthew Jordan
Sister Wirthlin
Bishopric Message – April
For most of us the commotion we are experiencing with COVID-19, economic turmoil and overall anxiousness is coming all at once. Excepting the more seasoned adults among us who have experienced war, prior epidemics and other turmoil, much of the concerns we are facing are new and very unnerving. News, radio, and other sources of media remind us of perspectives held by others about our prospects. However, not all of those perspectives are accurate. Given the choice to see the negative or the positive, do any people on this earth have any more reason to be positive than us? After all, we understand the Plan of Salvation, even the Great…
Letter from the Snows
Dear Parleys 5th Ward, We are home from our mission. We are sad we had to leave our mission early, but we are grateful to have arrived safely and well. We are in self-isolation for a few more days, but so far no indication of any illness. We had booked a trip, in January, for the time the temple would be closed for maintenance and cleaning in March. The trip was a bus tour that would take us through England and Scotland. As the news about the COVID-19 became more intense, we debated whether or not we should go. It had all been approved by the Temple Department and our…
Letter from Elder Oliver Kwon
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and are staying safe during this crazy time. I think most of you know that I am home in Utah. I have been here for three weeks and am supposed to take off for Reno, Nevada next week. I will serve in Reno, Nevada, until the virus goes away. Being home is a little strange, especially seeing my family, but it is also really amazing. The Mexican food here is just as good as I remembered. It can be a little boring staying at home, but I think everyone is experiencing similar things. I hope you all stay healthy and have…
Letter from Elder Joshua Hatch
March 16, 2020 – Aliens, Rain and Virus So many things have happened, from the virus to crazy weather to the people of Capilla that believe aliens come to this nearby mountain. It definitely hasn’t been the easiest because we had an investigator that had to go to the hospital and a couple others dropped wanting to be taught the missionary lessons, so as of right now we don’t have any investigators. So, we look forward to working in close contact with the members here. Our new church here in Capilla del Monte will be completed tomorrow, so whenever we begin meetings again there will be a new building!…
Letter from Sister Kara Cook
Holy cow this week has literally been insane! But get ready for some miracles because between all the quarantine and conference calls and virus there is a beautiful silver lining…. Wednesday we had like 30 mins left of the 5-7 and we knocked into this very kind man who had the best intentions but talked to us for a good 20 mins and was not interested at all. As we were walking from the door, we were a little unsatisfied because while he was nice it didn’t really fulfill our purpose. We knocked a few more doors which didn’t lead to much and at 7, we decided to knock one…
From the Desk of Jimmy McDermott, Elders Quorum President
We are all currently experiencing a change in life and emotions that are new to all of us. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review titled, That Discomfort You Are Feeling Is Grief puts a name to our emotions andoutlines why it’s important to acknowledge the grief you are feeling, how to manage it, and how we can find meaning in it. We can take additional comfort in having a living prophet who leads and guides us in what we can do to find peace and comfort in these times. In President Nelsons April 2018 conference address titled, Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives he said, “Our…
Provident Living – Emergency Preparedness
Hello Parley’s 5th Ward Community. Welcome once again to the emergency preparedness column. In today’s column I would like to reflect a bit on where we are at, and what we have learned. It has now been just over two weeks since schools were closed, and everyone was encouraged to stay at home as much as possible. In that time many things have happened, including an earthquake with many aftershocks. These events have caused many to refocus on their food storage and emergency preparedness plans. Some feel they just need to add a few things here and there, others need to expand and enhance, and even some are just starting…