Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We invite you to come worship with us tomorrow at 12 PM. We will hear speakers on the topics of Repentance and Forgiveness. We are so thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Elder Uchtdorf taught that “Because of God’s perfect love for us and the eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our sins—both great and small—can be blotted out and remembered no more. We can stand before Him pure, worthy, and sanctified.” Perhaps the most comforting statement on the topic of Repentance and Forgiveness is found in D&C 58:42. It says, “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We look forward to worshiping with you this weekend. Tomorrow night is ward temple night at the Taylorsville Temple at 6:00 PM. Sunday we will hear from members who attended youth conference and learn how we can “Be the One”. We encourage you to come to the meeting with this question in your mind How can I be the One, a true disciple of Jesus. We testify of the great opportunity that we have to be his disciples and to bless the lives of others and be blessed ourselves through true discipleship. We love and pray for you daily,P3 Bishopric ANNOUNCEMENTS:Virtual sacrament meeting HERE Ward Temple…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We invite you to come to sacrament meeting at 12 PM tomorrow. We will hear from two great sisters, Claire McCullough (departing on a mission) and Angie Boren. We are thankful to them for their preparation. We testify of a living prophet to whom the Lord speaks. President Nelson continues to encourage us to make space in our lives for the temple. In the temple we can understand better the Doctrine of Christ. In the temple we make sacred covenants with God, through Jesus Christ. In the temple we are reminded and instructed about the importance of our covenants. As we understand and honor the covenants we make…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, Please join us for sacrament meeting tomorrow at 12 pm. We look forward to hearing from Sister Anna Brown, assigned to serve in the Argentina Rosario Mission. We will also hear from our ward choir (see announcement below). In the first chapter in Alma the Nephite/Mulekite society is geographically united for the first time in many generations and Alma has established the church throughout the land of Zarahemla. A new form of government with judges instead of kings has been implemented as well. Competing religions and ideas for government immediately cause major unrest in society. It sounds a lot like our day. Mormon describes members of…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We look forward to worshipping with you as we share and are edified through each other’s testimony. We bear testimony that we are children of a Heavenly Father, who loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son to atone for each of us to be able to return to him and of the miraculous restoration of His gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith and that His Son continues to guide us through our prophet Russel M. Nelson. We love you and pray for you always, P3 Bishopric ANNOUNCEMENTS: Virtual sacrament meeting HERE. Ward Choir Weekly Practice: Sundays, 2:15 PM, P3 bldg rostrum Stake…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We invite you to worship with us tomorrow during our Sunday services. We testify that if we earnestly seek the help of heaven, we will receive heaven’s help. If we study the words of prophets and apply them to our lives, spiritual power will be our aid. We invite all to join us in our daily efforts to seek and apply spiritual wisdom. We love you and pray for you always, The Bishopric ANNOUNCEMENTS: Virtual sacrament meeting HERE Ward Choir Weekly Practice: Sundays, 2:15 PM, P3 bldg rostrum (no practice on 5/26) Stake General Priesthood Meeting: Sunday June 9th, 4:30 PM, P1/P6 bldgAll priesthood holders are invited, both…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sister, We look forward to hearing from Elder James Berg, beginning his service in the Albania Tirana Mission on Monday, May 20th. Please join us for sacrament meeting beginning at 12 pm. Abinadi’s mission to the people of Noah happened 450 years after Lehi left Jersualem and 470 years before Mormon. His words and influence radically impacted the 2nd half of Nephite history via Alma and the succession of High Priests. His words became Nephite scripture. Yet while he lived he did not see any immediate and tactile results of his actions. Zero converts. Perhaps he only had the satisfaction of knowing he had obeyed God’s will.…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday and celebrating the amazing women of Parley’s Third ward. We echo the words of President Nelson from the 2024 Worldwide Relief Society Devotional “I marvel at your faith and sensitivity to things of the Spirit. I am inspired by your diligence, dynamic leadership, and your ability to see a need and meet it. Whether it be illiteracy, malnutrition, mental health concerns, or the day-to-day needs of others, you tackle real-life issues with a rare combination of skill, compassion, insight, and love. The entire mission of the Lord’s Church is strengthened by you.” We Love and pray for you daily.…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, Several times during my study of The Book of Mormon this week I felt the Spirit of God touch my heart. In these moments the spirit confirmed truth to me, the spirit caused me to have a bit more clarity of purpose, the spirit helped me feel God’s love for others, the spirit testified of God and Jesus and that Jesus is the light of the world! I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the power that can center our lives as we study it and live by the teachings found therein. I love you and pray for you every day! Most sincerely, Bishop Jacob…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, We look forward to worshipping together during our sacrament meeting tomorrow at 12 pm. We are excited to hear from Shaw Chimika, who has accepted a call to serve in the Alabama Birmingham Mission. In the book of Mosiah, the Prophet-King Benjamin sends a declaration to His people, the combined Nephites/Mulekites, to go up to the temple to hear his words. The people respond as follows::They gathered together and went up to the templeThey were prepared to make sacrifice according to the law of MosesThey were prepared to give thanks to the Lord their God for their blessingsThey were prepared to hear the word of King…