3rd Ward


Dear Friends,

We are so grateful for this time of year. We are thankful to each of you for the goodness of your lives and for your righteous striving. We pray that we may all find peace in Jesus Christ. We testify to you that He is the Light of the World. We look forward to worshipping with you tomorrow, as we welcome Elder Josh Berg home from his mission.

We love you and pray for you often,

The Bishopric


Sacrament Meeting: Click HERE

Ward Choir Practice after church in the Relief Society room. We are preparing our Christmas Eve program. Come join us and bring a friend!

Sunday, December 24 will be sacrament meeting only beginning at 10 AM. Please join us for a Christ-centered and musically focused program. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to worship with us.

Tithing Declaration – 1 more Sunday, immediately after church. Sign up outside of Bishop’s office.

December is our month to clean the building, Please look for sign-ups in Elder’s Quorum and Relief Society or Contact Jan Haug (801.718-9977) or Jon Hale (801.230-5985).