Bishopric message
Dear Parleys 3rd Ward,
We hope you had a nice week. How fun it is to have snow and winter weather!
Scripture of the week: D&C 14:7 “And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.” We are so thankful for the Plan of Redemption. How fortunate we are! God is great!
Tomorrow we will be pleased to hear from Sister Jepsen and Brother Jepsen. As a reminder, we are now permitted to have 150 people in our sacrament meetings. For the time being, we will continue with our assigned weeks (A-K weeks 2,4 and L-Z weeks 1,3). However, if you desire to come on an off-week, we invite you to do so. We have the room! Click here to access our 9am streaming meeting on YouTube.
We look forward to seeing you. We love you and pray for you often,
The Bishopric