Bishopric message
Good afternoon friends,
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine today.
On Wednesday evening, the young women held their annual New Beginning’s meeting. It was a real treat to see our young women gathered together in the chapel enjoying their tender friendships. In the meeting the girls and their leaders introduced the new incoming young women and shared some of their many talents including singing & playing musical instruments. They also introduced this year’s youth theme, which is based on the scriptures Doctrine & Covenants 66:33-34
33 Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
34 Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind…
The Lord invites us all, youth and adults, to take small and simple steps as we embark in this work. At this time we may feel that we are not able to fully contribute to our callings and engage with ward members as we used to. Even in these unprecedented times, the Lord will guide us to know how to use our individual talents and personality to serve and live the gospel. He will stretch our imagination, creativity, and capacity in ways we never would have thought possible.
As we offer a willing heart and mind to the Lord, we will discover increased opportunities to serve. Our sense of identity and purpose will be strengthened, and we will find joy.
We may sometimes feel content to settle and coast, but God has something else in store. Just as He had a great work for Moses, He has a great work for us. Be not weary! At times like this it may be the small and simple things that make all the difference.
Tomorrow is February’s Fast Sunday sacrament meeting. Group A-K is invited to attend in-person. Click here for those who wish to join the streaming of the meeting.
We are so grateful to have each other. Thank you for your love and compassion for those around you.
We love you,
The Bishopric