3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are thinking of you on this beautiful Spring day. You are in our prayers. You are wonderful examples to us. Your testimonies strengthen us. Thank you for the many selfless acts of services that you do.

-Nicole and Luke Behrmann have prepared brief talks on the Savior Jesus Christ. The link is below. Thank you Behrmanns!

If you have not already heard, the Stake Communications Specialist, Mike Hight has created a Parley’s Stake website with a Parley’s 3rd Ward page. Brother Don Gren has placed each of the Bishopric Messages, including Sacrament Meeting and 5th Sunday Meeting messages and talks onto the Parley’s 3rd Ward page. Please take a look!


Here is an excerpt from a recent First Presidency statement about COVID-19 and Church administration. (Link to entire statement below)


Administering the Sacrament

May priesthood holders administer the sacrament in the homes of other ward members who do not have a worthy priest or Melchizedek Priesthood holder in the home?

Generally, yes. Currently, government directives or local regulations restrict this practice in many nations and cities. Until further notice, in these places, priesthood holders should not enter homes of Church members to whom they are not related to administer the sacrament. During this time, members can be blessed by studying the sacrament prayers and recommitting to live the covenants members have made and praying for the day they will receive it in person, properly administered by the priesthood.

If there are any special circumstances regarding the administration of the Sacrament, please call the Bishop to discuss.

It is our testimony that there is peace in Jesus Christ. He is the master physician. He is the light and life of this world. He is our Redeemer.

We love you!

The Parleys 3rd Ward Bishopric