Bishopric message
Happy Mother’s Day!
We are all very grateful for the mothers and women in our lives. We are blessed to be associated with such great examples of loving mothers and women in our own families and in our neighborhood. The impact of tender-hearted and strong women is far reaching and absolutely essential in ministering to our Heavenly Father’s children. When women of the Church and the world stand together they are a powerful force for good. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has said, “As we look at the history of this earth and at the history of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, it becomes obvious that women hold a special place in our Father’s plan for the eternal happiness and well-being of His children”. We feel this divine power and influence in our lives daily.
Each spring we look forward to hearing our primary children express their love for their mothers in a Sacrament Meeting. In keeping with this tradition, our primary children have recorded their messages in a video to share with us. In the video children relate the goodness of their mothers to our Savior Jesus Christ. We thank the children and their leaders for preparing the video presentation.
Brother Griffin Jardine has prepared a Mother’s Day message for the Ward. We thank Griffin for representing us all in honoring the dear mothers and women of Parley’s 3rd.
Speaking on mothers, President Uchtdorf offered some great council to the brethren of the church, he said “I pray that we as priesthood holders—as husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and friends of these choice women—may see them as the Lord sees them, as daughters of God with limitless potential to influence the world for good”. We are especially grateful at this challenging COVID-19 time to the women in our lives that tirelessly and courageously minister Christ-like love to each of us. May we always cherish and honor the divine women in our lives.
Have a peaceful and enjoyable Mother’s Day.
We love you,
The Bishopric