3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Yehoshua/Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) in Hebrew means ‘Salvation’. The same Hebrew name for the Old Testament Joshua and New Testament Jesus Christ parallels their distinct role and mission; leading the temporal journey of the Israelites into the promised land and our own personal journey leading to eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Like the Israelites we encounter obstacles and challenges that must be overcome to progress and complete our journey. In the face of crossing the River Jordan and encountering the walls of Jericho, the Lord encourages Joshua to be strong and of good courage. He promises to not fail or forsake him. May we also be strong and of good courage as we face our own obstacles and find strength in the Lord and his promise to always be with us.

–P3 Bishopric


Sacrament meeting (12 pm): to join virtually click HERE

2nd hour 5th Sunday: tomorrow all adults and youth will be combined in the chapel
A virtual option is available HERE beginning shortly after 1 pm

Flags: reminder to all youth with flag assignments that tomorrow is Memorial Day

Walkabout: next Sunday (05 June) we will begin our 2022 neighborhood walkabouts
Thank you to the Harding (Wyoming/Bernadine) and Fotheringham (Lower Lynwood) families for hosting