3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Please join us for sacrament meeting tomorrow at 12 pm. We look forward to hearing from Sister Anna Brown, assigned to serve in the Argentina Rosario Mission. We will also hear from our ward choir (see announcement below).

In the first chapter in Alma the Nephite/Mulekite society is geographically united for the first time in many generations and Alma has established the church throughout the land of Zarahemla. A new form of government with judges instead of kings has been implemented as well. Competing religions and ideas for government immediately cause major unrest in society. It sounds a lot like our day.

Mormon describes members of the church as being steadfast and immovable in these circumstances. Here is what members of the church did:
Kept the commandments of God
Bore with patience the persecutions heaped upon them
Left their labors on the appointed day for teaching to hear the word of God
Were industrious and labored according to their strength
Were generous and imparted of their abundance to those in need

And despite all of the external conflict in their lives, they were blessed with an inner peace and a deepening relationship with their Savior and each other. It is our prayer that we may be steadfast and immovable as the ancient Nephites were.

With love,
P3 Bishopric

Virtual sacrament meeting HERE

Ward Choir: Tomorrow, June 9th we will perform “How Great Thou Art” and would love to have you join and help make the choir great. We will be practicing at 11:15 am on the rostrum in the chapel. No prior attendance necessary. Please bring your voices to help us sing praises tomorrow!

Luke Larson Baptism: Sunday June 9th, 3:30 pm, P3 bldg

Stake General Priesthood Meeting: Sunday June 9th, 4:30 PM, P1/P6 bldg
All priesthood holders are invited, both Aaronic and Melchizedek

Ward Temple Nights:
June 22nd at 6 pm the Taylorsville Temple has 39 seats.
Go in and book it now as it will fill up. Fun Fact about Taylorsville they have Spanish Speaking sessions and Samoan Speaking sessions. It will be really fun to go to this new temple.
July 20th at 5 pm Bountiful Temple 79 seats.
August 24th at 5 pm Draper Temple 44 seats
Book now these fill up as well

Save the Date:
Ward Youth Conference: June 10 – 12
Ward Young Womens Camp: June 25 – 27
Neighborhood Summer Party: August 14th, evening
Ward Young Mens Camp: September 26-28

Welfare Assignments:

August 2nd, Friday 7:30 am to 11:30 am Need 4 people
Deseret Manufacturing- production 1680 S Industrial Road (1900 West)
Assignment Sign-up Link:
