3rd Ward

Bishopric message

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to welcome home Sister Vivien Hawes who has recently returned from the Alpine German Speaking mission. Come join our sacrament meeting at 12 pm to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As we worship our Jesus, we can think of the different names that he is known by to invite him into our lives Savior, Redeemer, King, Holy Messiah, Prince of Peace, Healer, Teacher, and loving Brother to mention a few. We are grateful for Him, for the life that he lived, for the example that he gave us, and the price that he paid so that we could choose to return to live with Him and our Heavenly parents again. We testify of His Devine Role in the Plan of Salvation and the love and peace that his atonement offers us.

We love and pray for you daily.

P3 Bishopric


Virtual sacrament meeting: Click HERE

For Primary Children and Families: The Friend-to-Friend Broadcast will be available for streaming beginning today Saturday, September 14th “Sharing the Love of Jesus with Others”

Neighborhood walk about this Sunday, September 15th starting at 6:00. We want to thank the Turners (Bernadine) and the Holbrooks (Lynnwood) for hosting.

Stake Blood Drive: September 17, 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Stake Center, sign up HERE


as of today we have only filled 15 of 40 spots

Young Men’s Camp: September 26 – 28, Parents please sign up with Luke Behrman.

Join the Parley’s Stake challenging questions class with Nate and Sueann Jones on September 26th at 8 pm in the Relief Society Room of 1st/6th ward Building. Future dates will be October 10th and 24th Same Place and Time.

Save the Date:

Ward Primary Program: Sunday, November 10th

Ward Christmas Brunch: Saturday, December 14th