Stake Presidency

Parleys Stake Update: 3/15 Update COVID-19

First and foremost, know we love and are praying for you and your families during this fluid and uncertain time. We testify that Heavenly Father hears our prayers and will bless all His children around the world as we work to overcome this pandemic. Our beloved Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, is also mindful of and praying for us. Indeed, he distributed a global message yesterday reminding of us God’s love for us and conveying his optimism for the future.
Here is his message:
Here is a previous message from President Nelson regarding hope during a challenging time:
 We hope these words from our Prophet will bring you peace and comfort. 
This morning, we held a call with our dear bishops of the Parleys Stake and our wonderful Stake Sister Leaders. We solicited all their input on how to address issues that are particular to our area. From that two-hour call, it is even more clear to us, as a Stake Presidency, that the Lord has called these earnest bishops and sister leaders at this time to help ensure our members’ and non-member neighbors’ needs are met, especially the needs of our elderly neighbors and those with immune disorders. 
We want to convey a few updates that came from our discussion this morning: 
  1. Sacrament Administration: Thank you for your patience and for foregoing the sacrament today, as we worked on a unified approach throughout the Stake to ensure those homes where there is no priesthood holder may be provided the sacrament safely. Your bishop will be contacting you soon with instructions about how sacrament will be handled going forward. 
  2. Temple Recommend Interviews: As you may have heard, the temples are closed, except for living ordinance work, which is by appointment only. Nonetheless, your bishop will be reaching out to you regarding your ward’s approach to temple recommend interviews. If you need to meet with a member of the Stake Presidency to renew your recommend, please contact our Stake Executive Secretary, Rhett Jeppson ([email protected] – (801) 856-3069), to make an appointment. 
  3. Church Building Use: While church meetings are suspended, we are suspending use of our church buildings, unless such is approved by your bishop. 
  4. CDC Prevention Reminder: We continue to remind you to follow the CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Among other things, wash your hands, avoid personal contact, and do your part to create social separation. Make extra hygiene efforts when dealing with others who are at higher risk. 
Please take care of yourselves, and care for those around you. Ministering has never been more important. May we look to the Atonement of Jesus Christ to give us hope and peace as we live through each development we learn. As we are taught in Alma, “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and sicknesses of his people.” There are many throughout the world who are experiencing pains and sickness due to the virus, whether physical or emotional. Indeed, anxiety and fear is a natural response to what we’re seeing. Let us rely on the Savior and His Atonement to help us through this time. It brings us great comfort to know and to testify that, especially in times like these, He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. 
All our love, 
The Parleys Stake Presidency 
Matthew T. Wirthlin 
Samuel C. Straight 
Timothy K. Conde