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Featured,  Stake Presidency

Return to Church Message

Dear Parleys Stake Members,

We cannot express enough how grateful we are as a Stake Presidency for the creative and Christlike ways you have served one another these past five months while we have not been worshipping together on Sundays.

As you know, the First Presidency announced in late May that Stakes could begin holding sacrament meetings again at church buildings.  Since then, we have met consistently and counseled together with our bishops and Stake sister leaders concerning the appropriate time to return to worshipping together on Sundays.  Indeed, we worked together to develop a detailed plan for our Stake to safely hold sacrament meetings.  We have tried to be thoughtful and prayerful throughout that time to ensure we are acting consistent with government and scientific recommendations and data, direction from our Church leaders, and that we are true to what the Lord would have us do.  We also were always mindful of Moroni’s counsel that “the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, . . . and to partake of the bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus” (Moroni 6:5-6).  

During the past few weeks, we have watched the positive test numbers in our city and our area decrease in a meaningful way.  We have also witnessed members becoming more acclimated with the city and county orders related to wearing masks and being socially distant.  These developments and further discussions with our bishops and Stake sister leaders made clear that it is time to begin to provide members the opportunity to attend sacrament meeting at church. 

Beginning on Sunday, September 13, each ward in the Stake will have an opportunity to meet in small groups for sacrament meeting.  Each ward will determine how to divide the ward into those small groups.  Below is the schedule we will use in September.  We will meet with bishops and Stake sister leaders during the week of General Conference to discuss how things went and what adjustments, if any, should be made in October and the following months.

There are a few critical things that we hope all will review and understand as we make this announcement.

First, we cannot emphasize enough that attending sacrament meeting in our buildings is optional, and that no member should feel compelled or pressured to attend.  For those of you who are uncomfortable returning at this time for whatever reason, we love and support you. All members will continue to be authorized to partake of the Sacrament in their homes. Ministering brothers should ensure that those without a priesthood holder in the home continue to receive the sacrament on a regular basis. 

Second, our leaders have also asked those members who are 65 years or older or other individuals considered high risk not to attend in-person, but to continue taking the sacrament at home.  We very much look forward to a time when our senior members and those other high-risk friends and neighbors can rejoin us on Sundays.  While our senior and high-risk members are asked to stay home, we all must redouble our efforts to ensure those members are cared for and that they know of the love we have for them.

Third, it will be critical that we follow the guidelines issued by government and health officials, as well as those set forth by the First Presidency and Area Presidency.  For example, masks are required while in any church building for those over age two.  If wearing a mask concerns you, you have the option of staying home and continuing to bless and partake of the sacrament there.  We will also be required to exercise proper physical distancing with anyone outside our households.  The First Presidency has also made clear that no meeting may have more than 99 people, and sacrament meeting (the only meeting that will be held) must not last more than 45 minutes.  We, either on a Stake or Ward level, will communicate soon other guidelines we will all be expected to follow as we attend sacrament meeting.  In addition, young men leaders will be meeting soon with those who will be preparing, blessing, and passing the sacrament for necessary training to ensure a safe and spiritual sacrament experience for all who attend. 

Finally, we direct you to an inspiring message from the Church related to our worship during the COVID era that you might find helpful.  The brief video can be found at the following link:

We continue to pray for all of you, especially those who are suffering spiritually, emotionally, or temporally as a result of this pandemic.  We are grateful for the opportunity to gather again.  We express our love and appreciation to all of you, regardless of whether you are able to meet with us on Sundays.  May we always following our Savior Jesus Christ’s example by continuing to love and support one another.    

Your Salt Lake Parleys Stake Presidency

Matthew T. Wirthlin

Samuel C. Straight

Timothy K. Conde