• 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    A Divine Gift In this season of Thanksgiving, we wish to express our deepest gratitude for your Christ-like love and examples. We feel especially blessed to have a unique view of your service and goodness. It is during this season that we invite all to embrace the divine gift of repentance as a token of our gratitude for our Savior, Jesus Christ. We testify that any effort to repent grants us critical access to the Savior’s infinite atonement, with all its healing and strengthening power. Repentance is not a desperate act of recovery or response to failure—it is a proactive leap towards the Savior, Jesus Christ. President Nelson taught, “Too…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers & Sisters, We look forward to seeing you at our sacrament meeting tomorrow at 9am. Click below to attend virtually. Thanksgiving week is officially upon us. We are grateful for faithful declarations of belief in Jesus Christ. We are grateful for humble acts of repentance. We are grateful for the righteous desires of your hearts. We are grateful to live and serve among you. We give thanks for the gospel of Jesus Christ! Love the Bishopric Announcements: Reminder about tithing settlement – please sign up by the Clerk’s officeMonday November 22 – Thanksgiving meal kitsSaturday December 4 – Relief Society Brunch at 9:30amSaturday December 11 – Ward Christmas…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope that this email finds you well and enjoying the amazing fall weather. We look forward to the annual Primary program tomorrow and are excited to feel of the sweet spirit that the children bring. It reminds us of the tender moment when the Savior visited the Nephites and commanded the little ones be brought to Him. His joy was full because of their faith and pure love. We can’t wait to experience these same feelings with you all tomorrow. For those that would like to attend virtually, please click here A few reminders: Please sign up for tithing settlement. Sign up sheets are…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers & Sisters, Tomorrow is our fast and testimony meeting starting at 9 am. Don’t forget to adjust your clocks for daylight savings time – otherwise, you may find yourself at church an hour early 🙂 For those unable to attend in person click HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pxc7EqImSM I love the principle taught in this quote on fasting and prayer by Joseph F Smith. “The Lord can hear a simple prayer, offered in faith, in half a dozen words, and he will recognize fasting that may not continue more than twenty-four hours, just as readily and as effectually as He will answer a prayer of a thousand words and fasting for…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters, Tomorrow we will begin our sacrament meeting at 9am. Those attending virtually may click HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3rTIztGHRU Our 5th Sunday lesson will be combined youth and adults and will be available virtually HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YflxS6uVSfA We are grateful to the McCulloughs for preparing a message on family history. Do you know about the old pagan and Christian traditions surrounding this time of year? The old pagan tradition included remembering and communicating with their dead ancestors. The old Christian tradition was a celebration of past Saints (Hallow is an Old English word meaning Saint) by dressing up like them and going door to door reciting scripture and singing…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope that this email finds you well. We look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow for those that would like to attend virtually please click on this link https://youtu.be/gHnqvgv3vkM A few reminders: Please sign up for tithing settlement, sign-up sheets are available outside the Clerk’s office. Temple and Priesthood Preview for all boys and girls turning 12 in 2022 are invited to attend with their parents at 3:30 in the Relief Society Room. Neighborhood Halloween parade next Saturday at 4:00. Kids meet at the top of Stringham Ave. We love and pray for you often. Bishopric

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Friends, We rejoice with you in this beautiful Autumn season. In Doctrine & Covenants 117 we are reminded that “the Lord loves effort.” In 1838, of the earnest striving put forth by Oliver Granger, the Lord said that “his sacrifice shall be more sacred unto me than his increase.” We testify to you that Jesus Christ both champions and rewards our efforts! Our sacrament meeting tomorrow will begin at 9 AM. For those who wish to attend virtually, you can click here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM5-P-UTn-g Please note that we will begin tithing settlement tomorrow. There will be a signup sheet on the bulletin board by the bishop’s office. We love you…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Brother & Sisters, Conference weekend was a wonderful and sustained testimony of our Savior. We hope you were able to enjoy the messages and build upon your spiritual foundation. Tomorrow is our fast and testimony meeting. We look forward to hearing your testimonies of Jesus Christ. To participate virtually click HERE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mob7ypXPenY We are so grateful to live among such wonderful friends and neighbors. The Bishopric

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Friends, We look forward to our church services tomorrow starting at 9am. We will be pleased to hear from Hada and Josue’ Hinojosa. For those of you who wish to join us virtually, you can view sacrament meeting at this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaMYsuWCIpw We testify to you that the existence of God is reality and that there is a Plan of Redemption for all. “Jesus Christ is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path the leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.” We love you and pray for you daily, The Bishopric —Announcements— -General Conference…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our sacrament meeting will begin tomorrow at 9am. We look forward to worshipping with you. Those attending virtually may use the following LINK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQtG9FFqcg Zion’s Camp was a difficult and soul-stretching experience. Many viewed it as a failure with respect to its revealed mission. But many of the “faithful members of Zion’s Camp…testified that the experience deepened their faith in God’s power…Rather than questioning the value of this seemingly unsuccessful task, they learned that the real task is to follow the Savior, even when we don’t understand everything.” As we go through our own difficult and stretching circumstance or challenge, may we do so filled with…