Bishopric message
Good afternoon Parley’s 3rd Ward, There is reason for great hope and encouragement as a vaccine for COVID 19 is in early phases of distribution in our community. Through our faith in God and persistence, we continue to progress toward a better world. “Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God” Ether 12:4. We continue to be impressed with the deep-seated anchors of faith and…
Bishopric message
Dear Members of Parleys 3rd Ward, Scattered on the slopes of our beautiful Rocky Mountains are innumerable trees, coniferous and deciduous. A sharp eye can spot among this vast canopy an occasional aspen tree that has a wildly crooked trunk (see the attached images below). This tree apparently suffered an ordeal early in its life, probably due to a severe snowpack. Please note that this tree recovered! Look how strong and tall it has grown! This tree is perhaps a metaphor for life’s twists and turns. Let’s call 2020 the crook or bend in this tree’s trunk. In 2021 we have a chance to further straighten our paths and to…
Bishopric message
Good evening Parley’s 3rd Ward, We hope you are enjoying the excitement and optimism that comes with starting a new year. We are very blessed to be able to reside in the chosen nation of the restoration of the gospel. Despite America’s current struggles and challenges, our nation was founded by God, established with principles of faith, love and fairness. Let us join together and acknowledge the hand of the Lord as we pray for this country, for our leaders, and for every individual and family within it’s borders. May our leaders be inspired to stand for righteousness and truth. May our Father in Heaven continue to bless America. Tomorrow…
Bishopric message
Dear Parleys 3rd Ward, We hope you have had a wonderful holiday season! Tomorrow is Fast Sunday and we will be meeting at 9am. Please click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ax8GGS12WE&feature=youtu.be to join the meeting that will be streamed. We encourage all to contemplate the ways our testimonies of the Savior have been strengthened in 2020 and how we may each pursue even greater spiritual convictions of His gospel in 2021. We know that He is our Savior and that His gospel is the way, the only way, to find true “happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come!” Please see below for some important information regarding our meetings…
Bishopric message
Merry Christmas Parley’s 3rd Ward, Since March, we have come to expect the Saturday night “church link” emails from the Bishopric. But this week they are shaking things up and have asked me to share a few thoughts. Christmas is a season of joy; a season of gratitude and peace. But as a mother, I have often been overwhelmed by the long lists of things to accomplish in December. The shopping, wrapping and baking and the maintenance of Christmas traditions that are so important to my family. I find myself constantly in an emotional flux between an abundance of the Christmas spirit and the enormity of the role I play…
Bishopric message
Good evening Parley’s 3rd Ward, Tomorrow is a second Sunday, families and individuals with last names beginning with with letters L-Z attend sacrament meeting in-person. For those participating virtually click here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ypEjsZZaRw&feature=youtu.be Thank you for your continued commitment to participate in our meetings in-person and virtually. The Stake will be streaming the Annual Stake Christmas Program at 4:00pm tomorrow afternoon. Please visit the Stake’s website (parleysstake.org) and click on the link to join. https://parleysstake.org/ We would encourage you to gather in your homes and enjoy music and messages from members of our Stake and neighborhoods. As we experience the joy that the Christmas season brings, let us remember the reason…
Bishopric message
Good evening Brothers and Sisters of Parley’s 3rd Ward, Tomorrow at 12:00pm we will have our fast & testimony meeting for the month of December. As usual, the first Sunday attendees are last name letters A-K. Click here to participate in the meeting virtually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-OsyWQIU2s&feature=youtu.be In January, our sacrament meeting start times will move from 12:00pm to 9:00am. At that time our typical second hour meetings will take place after sacrament meeting at approximately 10:30am and 11:15am. Before the end of the year we will provide a revised meeting schedule for you. We plan to also switch the sacrament meeting weeks, so that both attending groups are able to have…
Bishopric message
Dearest Parley’s 3rd Ward, We hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Tomorrow is a “5th Sunday.” We will hold a combined zoom meeting at 10:30 am for all adults, young men and young women. Griffin Jardine will lead the discussion, and we will watch a few brief messages from our ward missionaries in the field. Please join us! Click here to join the zoom meeting. https://okland.zoom.us/j/97669510704?pwd=UlYxNTAraTNBZDBHQTR5Y212TEJ5Zz09 Meeting ID: 976 6951 0704Passcode: 042955 For sacrament meeting at 12 noon, we invite all those with last names L – Z to attend in-person sacrament meeting. We look forward to hearing from a few of our recently returned missionaries….Spencer Thomas, Emma Romney &…
Bishopric message
Good evening brothers and sisters, We hope you were able to see the “Message of Hope” video from President Russell M. Nelson yesterday. He counseled us to allow the healing power of gratitude to bless our lives with peace and perspective. He told of how the Savior himself offered thanks to his Father in times of distress. He reiterated that we are to give thanks in all things, especially in our trials. President Nelson’s words are especially appropriate, given our current circumstances and the upcoming Thanksgiving Day weekend. How fortunate we are to have this timely inspiration from the Lord’s prophet. If you would like to view President Nelson’s “Message…
Bishopric message
Good evening brothers and sisters, We hope that you are healthy and safe. We will be having an in-person sacrament meeting tomorrow (last names A-K + any that desire to come). As a reminder, members should not feel pressure to attend in-person. Sister Kelly Lear and Brother Jon Lear will be our speakers. To participate via YouTube streaming click here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlUZxi416ys&feature=youtu.be A special thanks to Jordan Briggs for his assistance with technology and making streaming available to us each week. President Russell M Nelson, will share a special 11 minute video message with the world on November 20, 2020, at 11:00 am MST. The video will focus on ways we…