• 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Parley’s 3rd Ward, We hope this find you healthy and well. Congratulations to Maddie & Ryan Cannon with the birth of their baby girl, Alice Florence Cannon, 6 lbs 13 oz. A lot is happening on the missionary front…. Welcome home Sister Emma Romney, who just returned Thursday from the Frankfurt Germany Mission.  Welcome home in advance to Elder Max Okland, who will be returning this Tuesday, 8/25, from the Little Rock Arkansas Mission. We look forward to hearing from both Emma and Max sometime in the future. All our best to Anna Munns on her re-reassignment to Albania. Anna leaves for Albania this Wednesday,…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Brothers and Sisters of the Parley’s 3rd Ward, We take comfort in being surrounded by wonderful neighbors that care for each other especially in times of need. We are truly blessed to live in the Parley’s 3rd Ward and enjoy our associations one with another. Our dear Stake Presidency continues to prayerfully consider the right time for us to return to our church meetings. We are grateful for their care for not only our spiritual well-being, but also our physical health. As we know many wards outside Parley’s Stake have resumed having their in-person Sunday sacrament meetings, especially those wards outside of Salt Lake City proper. Our Stake Presidency regularly…

  • 3rd Ward


    Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are thankful to a handful of sister missionaries (Sister Munns, Sister Anderson, and Sister Johnson) who are teaching us today about having faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ strengthens and inspires us to greatness. Any amount of faith we acquire will upgrade our perspectives on our life situations. Faith has the power to improve our personal outcomes. Most importantly, true faith creates in us a reliance upon the Atonement of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins. Eventually, our personal faith can make us worthy to stand in the presence of God. Prophets teach us that our personal faith grows incrementally, as…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, We thank Jackson Hawes for sharing with us his testimony. Due to the pandemic, Jackson is currently home from Yale and is making plans for what next year will bring. At Yale, Jackson played football and excelled academically. Like you, we find comfort and perspective in the scriptures. Below are a couple of recent favorites. May these verses bring you peace! Omni 1:26: And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Parley’s 3rd Ward, We hope this finds you healthy and in good spirits! It’s been over 4 months since we were able to last meet together. Our last sacrament meeting was March 8th. The invocation was offered by Dave Holbrook, sacrament hymn #187 “God Loved Us, so He sent His Son,” and the outgoing Primary Presidency addressed us…Carly Briggs, Katie Jardine, Jamie Peters & Natalie Smith. Our closing song was “We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,” and the benediction was given by Josh Thompson. Since then, there have been amazing in-home sacrament services. A few weeks ago, Gabriella Bernardes was baptized. She is the newest member of…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good afternoon Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are able to enjoy the longer days of summer and find comfort in our cooler evenings. It is especially important in today’s circumstances to recognize and appreciate the many blessings we receive each day at the hand of our loving Heavenly Father. The beauty we see around us is truly a tender mercy amid stressful times. The benefit to our souls is great when we focus on what we do have, rather than what we don’t have. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, said, “being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God”. The more we acknowledge His hand in all…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Parleys 3rd Ward, Happy Independence Day! We sincerely hope all is well with each of you. As we cross these interesting waters, we are reminded of the importance of turning toward the Savior, and caring for one another. Our wonderful Relief Society President, Melissa Romney, once gave some great advice: If we are aware of the needs of those living in immediate proximity to us (next door neighbors, across the street/hall, behinds us) as well as our ministering individuals and families, our ward will be in good hands. This week’s message comes from Anna Munns, who has been called to serve in the Adriatic South Mission, and who recently…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are well and safe at home. One of the most challenging conditions of our current state of isolation is not being able to gather together often as a ward family. We are all missing the teaching, support and socializing we used to receive from our dear brothers and sisters. Certainly the casual greetings that we have with each other in the neighborhood are valuable to us all, but our normal Sunday and weekday associations can not be replaced. We very much look forward to the day that we are able to gather together again; that will be quite a memorable reunion for…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Dear Ward Family, Happy Father’s Day to all! We hope this email finds you safe and healthy. A big congratulations to Nicole Behrmann and family for the birth of their new baby girl Olive. Mother and baby are home and doing well. As you know, we have four missionaries serving from our ward: Elder Jacob Jepsen, temporarily assigned to North Carolina, Sister Emma Romney serving in Germany, Sister Libby Dallimore serving in Vancouver, Washington, and Elder Max Okland serving in Arkansas. We are pleased to share with you some brief testimonies from each of them. Thank you for your prayers and faith in their behalf. We know the Lord trusts…

  • 3rd Ward

    Bishopric message

    Good evening Brothers and Sisters, We hope you are well and continue to find peace in the Savior’s atonement and plan for happiness in a world that seemingly becomes more complicated with each new day. Be assured, the Lord is aware of us and the challenges we face. He stands ready with open arms to embrace us. Imagine if the world’s population could only recognize that we are all children of the same Heavenly Parents, and are thereby, all brothers and sisters, would we be more motivated to treat each other as family? Because we are Heavenly Father’s children, we ALL have a divine destiny. God loves us with Godly…