Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, Some biblical scholars have argued that Job is the oldest written book in the Bible, up to 500 years earlier than the books of Moses. If this is true, then “For I know that my redeemer liveth…” is perhaps the oldest written prophecy and testimony of Jesus Christ in our scriptures. These simple words are beautifully captured by Handel in the Messiah and in our own hymn book. They give hope and courage and strength to all going through this mortal experience. President Nelson recently taught, “I plead with you to take charge of your testimony of Jesus Christ. Work for it. Own it. Care for…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, The book of Esther is one of only two books in the Bible that does not explicitly mention God. Rather it is a narrative that recounts a series of events, circumstances, and choices that ended a plot by Haman to annihilate the Jews who were exiled throughout the Persian empire and capital city of Shushan (modern-day Susa, Iraq) during the reign of King Xerxes/Ahasuerus. It was Esther who God put in the right place, at the right time, and who chose to courageously and faithfully act on behalf of her people despite serious potential consequences to herself. We learn that God is working in the events…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, We hope you are enjoying Pioneer Weekend! Tomorrow we look forward to our sacrament meeting beginning at 12 pm. To attend virtually click HERE. I was impressed this week by the parallels between the Jews in Babylon and the Pioneers in Nauvoo. Through the prophetic leadership of Ezra and Brigham Young, respectively, the Jews and Pioneers undertook perilous journey’s through harsh lands to freely exercise their religion. While the circumstances surrounding the initiation of each journey was different, the focus of the people upon arriving in Jerusalem and the Salt Lake Valley was the same…to build a temple. The temple was prioritized and built as the…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We testify that the Holy Ghost is real and guides us on the trail of life. I feel impressed to share an experience that we had while hiking King’s Peak with the young men this week. While discussing items that we would need for our hike, it was recommended that we take Bleed Stop (a first aid powder to help clot wounds) something that I have never packed nor used. It was added to one of the three first-aid kits that we took. When the morning to summit came, I looked at my pack and evaluated what I really needed to carry to 13,500 feet. I…
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, We are often reminded of the importance of weekly worship and church attendance. The reasons are MANY, but to name a few… God asks us to keep the Sabbath day holy. On Sundays, we worship Him in His church. We are each strengthened personally by worshipping with others who are striving to know Him. Our own faith, testimonies, and perspectives, most certainly can uplift others in attendance. We signal to God our commitment to Him by attending and serving others in Church. God then speaks to and blesses us (usually through others) while we are worshipping and serving. Taking the sacrament (thoughtfully) each week is vital to receiving…
Bishopric message
Brothers and Sisters, As we celebrate our country’s birthday this weekend. We remember the first pilgrims led to this land in search of religious freedom to be able to seek this Jesus. We remember our forefathers that fought and died for our freedoms that allowed a land where the gospel of Jesus Christ to be restored to the earth. We are grateful for this land, for our freedom, and for the opportunity that we have to seek this Jesus. We look forward to fasting and worshiping with you tomorrow and being edified by each other’s testimonies. For a virtual option to participate please click here. Love,P3 Bishopric Announcements: Welfare Square…
Bishopric message
Dear Sisters and Brothers, As we learn from the lessons of David and Solomon this week, one lesson is that regardless of our past experiences, our spiritual strength depends on the choices we make today. We encourage each of us to daily seek all things virtuous, lovely or of good report or praiseworthy to allow the Holy Ghost to guide us to come unto Christ. We look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow for those that want to attend virtually please clickhere. We love and pray for your wellbeing. P3 Bishopric
Bishopric message
Dear Friends, This weekend we are mindful of the fathers in our lives. Indeed there are many father figures around us who bless and serve others. We are thankful for them We testify of a Father in Heaven. He is the father of our spirits. He loves us. He teaches us through His prophets. He sent his Firstborn to earth so that all might be saved. Together, they seek to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all humankind. We testify that these things are true! Please join us for church tomorrow. Those who wish to attend virtually can do so by clicking here. We love you and…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, We look forward to worshiping with you tomorrow at 12:00 pm. To attend virtually click Here As we continue to prepare ourselves for our inaugural ward temple night since the pandemic. We are reminded of the words of Elder Rasband in his Oct 2020 conference address when the temples were closed, “Let me emphasize, whether you have access to a temple or not, you need a current temple recommend to stay firmly on the covenant path.” It is our prayer that each of us may take measures to be “Recommended to the Lord” and to take advantage of the power from the Lord’s House to help…
Bishopric message
Dear Brothers & Sisters, We invite you to join our fast and testimony sacrament meeting tomorrow beginning at 12 pm. We look forward to hearing your testimonies. To attend virtually click below. Last October President Nelson taught that “the temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple.” He asked us to take extraordinary and unprecedented measures to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2021/10/47nelson?lang=eng We invite all endowed members to join us for a P3 ward temple night on Friday, June 24th in the 6:20…